This Thursday marks the 42nd anniversary of federally legalized abortion in the United States of America. Since then there have been over 57 million legalized murders of unborn children in this country. Over 57 million! Can I please inconvenience you, even if just for a few minutes? In the parable of the Good Samaritan there are abundant rich and wonderful blessings in seeing not only the example Christ gave of us of how to treat others but also in seeing the wonderful picture He gave us of Himself as the true Good Samaritan, the One who saves His enemies, even while they are beaten, robbed, and left for dead. Yet in that truth, because of what He has done for those who trust in Him, we are then empowered to do as He commanded, to "go, and do likewise" (Lk. 10:37). So long as our feet are firmly planted in Him (for apart from Him we can do nothing - Jn. 15:4, 5), we are able by His power in the Holy Spirit to help our neighbors, to rescue those who are as good as dead. You need not extend the parable very far in order to see how applicable it is to the issue of abortion. If you read the account (which I recommend you do here), you'll notice some very telling instances of the two men who left the man on the road to die. They both saw him; and they both passed by on the other side. Thankfully there was that Good Samaritan who saw him, and had compassion. His compassion was not merely in his heart though, like, "Awe...the poor man." His compassion was not simply, I'll pray for that man, and then he goes on his way. No, the Samaritan's compassion was such that he rescued him at great personal expense in time and money. He stopped in his journey. He bound up the man's wounds and took him to a place of rest (Lk. 10:34). He spent over 30% of his weekly earnings to ensure the man's well-being would be restored, and he was willing to pay even more if necessary (Lk. 10:35). Then he not only helped the man with his immediate need but ensured his continual recovery and restoration by promising that he would return to see to the man's health: "Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back" (Lk. 10:35). This is the Good Samaritan! He saw the man, he had compassion, and he acted on that compassion (cf. Jas. 2:15-16; 1 Jn. 3:16, 17-18). And while I've already said I think this parable has the purpose of showing us who Jesus Christ is - Himself the true Good Samaritan who saves even his enemies - it is still nonetheless an example of the kind of love we ought to show in our own lives, especially as those who are redeemed. For to everyone in the world - but especially to the redeemed community - Jesus emphatically says: "Go, and do likewise" (Lk. 10:37). Well, do you see anyone that is in need and left for dead? Maybe not in your daily lives. Though, let's be honest, it's not terribly difficult to Google the nearest abortion clinic in your area. I would beg you to do that and not just pass by on the other side as if you don't see it. If you're unsure of what's actually at stake here, please watch any or all of the following videos to give you a glimpse of what abortion is: Dr. Levantino's Testimony The Silent Scream Babies Are Murdered Here "180" Movie Pick any of the Live Action's Inhuman videos...
There is no need to go on... Dear Christian, please let this not be just another post that gets lost in the shuffle of your facebook or twitter time. Do not see the horror of abortion and then pass by on the other side. We are called to rescue those left for dead - even if they are our enemies (cf. Mt. 5:43-48; Rom. 5:6, 10) - all the more those who are innocent regarding our relationship to them. There are plenty of ways to get involved, many of which you can find in my post last year about the Christian's obligation in the anti-abortion movement. So I beg you, do not pass by on the other side. Do not be like the priest or the Levite who saw the horror of the man left for dead and just ignored him. But be like the Good Samaritan, like Christ Himself, who had compassion - even compassion at great personal expense. And put that compassion into action! Go forth in Christ's strength - to endure the insults and hardships that will come your way because of your voice and actions in doing the work of the Good Samaritan, by rescuing those who are as good as dead. It will be inconvenient. And I promise the world will hate you for it (Jn. 15:20; 2 Tim. 3:12). Christ suffered, and we are called to share in His sufferings (Phil. 1:29; 1 Pet. 2:20, 21). But dear Christian, we are also guaranteed to share in His glory (Jn. 16:33; Rom. 8:16-17, 18, 28-30)! What more blessing is there than to be conformed to His image not only in suffering, but also in glorification (Rom. 8:28-39)! Let us say with Christ's servants: The LORD is my portion forever (Ps. 73:26; Lam. 3:24)! And let us go forth in His strength, not passing by on the other side, but showing compassion to those who are left for dead and rescuing those who are on the very road to death. Rescue those who are being taken away to death; |